About Me

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I am a professional Indian Classical Singer. I hold a Ph.D. in Economics and Master's Degrees in both, Economics and Business Management; and I also work as Faculty in Economics for Management students. I have a passion for writing and this blog is a platform for me to share my experiences and express my thoughts and ideas, views and opinions, gathered while working in diverse fields.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

The Nostalgic Nineties!

While countries, states are almost under shut down due to the pandemic which poses a health challenge the world over, while concerts and shows everywhere are getting cancelled or postponed, the only thing we can do is to share music through online media. Music seems to be the only solace right now when the atmosphere around us is rather gloomy and depressing. Let's hope the situation gets better soon!
Sharing a beautiful melody from the musical 1990s...The 90s songs are rather nostalgic for me, as those were my formative years as a budding singer, which meant that it was the beginning of being gradually able to apply the knowledge of sur and taal to every song that one heard. It was also the beginning of being able to understand what one was singing. The 90s were also significant as the beginning of cable television in India, and the addition of so many new channels to the earlier 'Doordarshan-only' era. This meant we were suddenly much more exposed to film music of that time. The greater exposure to TV was deemed to be good by some, but bad by most others! Nevertheless, the quality of the music was great, no doubt. The 90s also had some very good non-film music, which reached us teenagers of that time, again through the myriad TV channels, still trying to find their feet in the business.
I realised that although the 90s hold such a special place in my heart, there's hardly any song from that decade that I have sung and shared so far! So here it is: Tu Mile Dil Khile, an evergreen song, melodious to the core, from the nostalgic 90s. Hope you like it!
Dedicated to all those composers, singers, lyricists, who gave us, particularly the generation to which I belong, so much to cherish!
Have a great weekend! Stay safe!

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Women's Day: Today, Everyday!

Happy Women's Day to all the wonderful women! Be happy, be bright, be strong!

While we send greetings and wishes to all the great women in our lives on this day, it is equally necessary that we practise it in our daily lives, so that we don't just remember the contribution of the women to our lives and our society on just this one day of the year, but all 365 days!

Everyone may have their own way of doing their bit. I do this, in my own small and humble way, by disseminating the knowledge that I was fortunate enough to receive, both in my academic discipline, Economics, as well as my music. One of the greatest ways to achieve women's empowerment is through the wealth of knowledge and education. Sharing some very satisfying moments of my life, trying to contribute in my own little way to this process.

All women, whether educated or not, have some talent, which can be converted into a profession. However, very often, they are clueless as to the costing and pricing of it and in general, the financial literacy.This lack of knowledge often comes in the way of it becoming their profession. So whenever possible, I conduct these sessions, (very often free of cost if the participants come from modest backgrounds) for women, who would like to convert their hobby into a profession, thereby becoming somewhat independent and also contributing to the family income.

Music, my greatest passion, is also a way for me to reach out to maximum wonderful women and girls,
who would like to nurture their talents. Very often 
I'm asked by ladies interested in music, whether I teach only the serious students, who might want to pursue music as a career. I feel doing that would be rather unfair to women who had to give up their passion in music, due to family, work or other responsibilities. It's really satisfying to see such ladies get back to their passion later in life, through the classes I conduct in classical and light music. Similarly, conducting sessions for little school girls through our GO Arbutus also gives me great happiness.

The greatest joy comes from sharing the knowledge that one has been blessed enough to receive!
Cheers to all the great women, who have made our lives and our society so much to rejoice about!